As of the 1st June, 2017 new legislation has been introduced into Ireland with regards to corresponding with the Revenue and the companies registration office. For this reason all directors of Irish companies must have a digital certificate downloaded.

We are applying for a digital certificate for you on the online system with the Irish tax office. This will speed up the filling of company returns and any changes in the directorships in Ireland that you may have in the future. 

The process

1st Step: We apply for your ROS Access Number (RAN).

2nd Step: We apply for your Digital Certificate.

3rd Step: We retrieve your Digital Certificate.

Normally, you will not have to do anything regarding this process. However, in some cases you might receive letters by post containing your RAN number or your Password.

It is very important these letters to be forwarded to us by email so we will be able to complete the process as soon as possible.

If you receive anything by post which contains your RAN number or your Password please forward it to the following email address: .

We shall be back in touch when the process is complete.

We shall send you a copy of the Digital Certificate when downloaded. You will only need to use this going forward if you change company or if you are required to sign any paperwork relating to your company.

If you have left your agency contract and therefore no longer require our services, please ignore the RAN number.

Many Thanks