Yes. Expenses should only be claimed from the date you signed the contract with your agency, although some pre-contract expenses such as medicals or change of licence (if incurred within 3 months and reasonable) will be allowed to go through.
Expenses should be submitted in date order where possible.
Receipts – these can be kept electronically and in fact, we are quite happy if you would like to upload them onto the online system and we will store them for you. It is a secure cloud server, fully backed up nightly.
Deadline – Expenses should be submitted before the 8th day of the month following the month the expenses were incurred. So for example, January’s expenses should be submitted by 8th February. This is very important once you start to receive a salary. If you miss the deadline, they will be carried over into the following month, so will not be lost.
OAM – Online Account Management system – this should be used to upload your expenses on a monthly basis. You will be given a user name and password shortly after signing up. There is 2 forms available, one for travel subsistence and one for general expenses.