Overview of expenses
Expenses should only be claimed from the date you signed the contract with your agency, although some pre-contract expenses such as medicals or change of license (if incurred within 3 months and reasonable) will be allowed to go through.
Expenses should be submitted in date order where possible
Receipts – these can be kept electronically and in fact, we are quite happy if you would like to upload them onto the online system and we will store them for you. It is a secure cloud server, fully backed up nightly. We do not ask to see these receipts unless there is a query, however you should be aware that it is your own responsibility to keep these receipts for SIX years from date of expenditure.
Deadline – Expenses should be submitted before the 8th day of the month following the month the expenses were incurred. So for example, February’s expenses should be submitted by 8th March. This is very important once you start to receive a salary. If you miss the deadline, they will be carried over into the following month, so will not be lost.
OAM – Online Account Management system – this should be used to upload your expenses on a monthly basis. You will be given a user name and password shortly after signing up.
Exchange Rates – GBP/Euro/SKK/DKK/US Dollars etc. – The online system automatically calculates the exchange rate for you, so you can enter the amount in the currency of the expense.
Bank Charges – these are claimable so please add them in.
Overnight allowance : This allowance is automatically calculated when you enter the dates of your arrival and department for either training or out of base hours. You should also add in the location of your overnights as the rates are different for different Cities.
This covers the cost of your accommodation, so you should only claim this allowance and not the actual cost of the hotel/bb etc. unless specifically requested
If you are staying with a friend/relative, you can still claim the allowance even though no money has actually been paid out.
This allowance can also be claimed in the future when you are working out of base ONLY or on any annual training etc. It cannot be claimed if you return home on your days off from training or working out of base.
No receipts are required to be kept for this expense, but you should ensure that your rosters are either uploaded onto the OAM or kept securing by yourself for the next SIX YEARS.
Subsistence : This allowance is automatically calculated when you enter the dates of your arrival and department from either training or out of base hours.
This covers the cost of your meals, so you should only claim this allowance and not the actual cost of your meals.
Regardless of the amount you spend, the full rate can still be claimed.
This rate can also be claimed in the future when you are working out of base or on any annual training etc. It cannot be claimed if you return home on your days off from training or working out of base.
No receipts are required to be kept for this expense but you should ensure that your receipts are either uploaded onto the OAM or kept securely by yourself for the next SIX YEARS
This covers the cost of petrol, wear & tear, car insurance and road tax.
It cannot be claimed travelling from home to work (your permanent base).
It can be claimed for any travelling by car from home for training and out of base work ONLY d) Although it is called mileage, it should be calculated in kilometers!
No receipts are required to be kept for this expense, but you should ensure that your rosters are either uploaded onto the OAM or kept securing by yourself for the next SIX YEARS
Other travelling expense - All other travel such as airline tickets, train, bus, taxis, ferries and parking – can be claimed in addition to the above on the ‘Expense’ section of the OAM (Online Account Manager). Receipts should be kept for the next SIX years or uploaded onto the OAM.
Other expenses
CAE Type Rating Course Costs – Normally CAE send the invoices to us on a monthly basis, but you should include the cost on your expense upload when paid for.
Phone bills – mobile phone costs and internet or broadband connections can be claimed in full. Home phone bills (if paid for by you) should be apportioned and one third only claimed.
Loss of License – this is allowable as an expense and should be added in when paid.
Other Expenses – the allowable expense list is not exhaustive. Any reasonable expense incurred ‘wholly and exclusive’ in the performance of your duties can be claimed.
Approval of Expenses – The uploading of expenses deems that you have accepted responsibility for claiming the expense; however they will be reviewed by O’Connor & Associates and will be amended if there is a discrepancy or if an item is disallowable. This is in the interest of tax compliance.
Relocation Expenses – when you receive your permanent base, you will no longer be allowed to claim the overnight allowance and subsistence, unless you are rostered away from your base. However, for the first 14 days of moving to your permanent base, you can as a concession, claim the overnight allowance and daily subsistence and also the first 3 month’s rent.